Growing up with Polish in Norway: what do we know and what is yet to be discovered – online conference
The event will be the public inauguration of the PolskaNorski project (funded by Norway Funds (via National Science Center in Poland, GRIEG programme), which goal is to investigate the development of language skills and world knowledge in Polish-Norwegian multilingual children and their monolingual peers in Poland and Norway. The project will investigate the relationship between children’s language skills, world knowledge and the linguistic, cultural and educational environment in which they grow up. We will follow multilingual Polish-Norwegian children and majority speaking Norwegian and Polish children aged 2-6 years through four subprojects. You may find more information about the project here: The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers already involved in research related to PolkaNorski project, like Polish-Norwegian families/children or migrant children in Norway; Polish-Norwegian bilingualism and it’s linguistic, cultural, and social aspects. We hope to provide a virtual space for discussing theoretical issues on the topic and also to look for a way of transferring the research into the field to the immigrant community and professionals working in and with the community. The conference is free of charge and open to everybody, but we kindly ask all participants to fill in the registration form below. The link to the conference venue will be sent only to registered participants. The conference programme can be found in the next tab. Ewa Komorowska (project manager): University of Warsaw, Poland Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway in collaboration with Bilingualism Matters chair: Ewa Komorowska, University of Warsaw, Poland 10.15-10.40: Introduction and PolkaNorski Presentation Nina Gram Garmann, Ewa Haman 10.40-11.00: Poles in Norway and local health providers Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska Adam Anczyk 11.00-11.20: Polish-Norwegian project (UAM/UiT/NTNU): Cross-linguistic influence in multilingualism across domains: Phonology and syntax Magdalena Wrembel (and team) 11.20-11.30: Coffee break chair: Grzegorz Krajewski, University of Warsaw, Poland 11.30-11.50: Polish children’s and caregivers’ encounters with the Norwegian ECEC Alicja R. Sadownik Western Norway University of Applied Sciences 11.50-12.10: Shared digital book reading with Polish/Norwegian dual language learners at home and in kindergarten Katarzyna Tunkiel Adriana Bus 12.10-12.40: Discussion – moderating: Grzegorz Krajewski & Anna Sara Romøren 12.40-13.40: Lunch break chair: Anna Sara Romøren, Oslo Metropolitan University & MultiLing, University of Oslo 13.40-14.00: Supporting dual language learning in early childhood education: teachers and parents collaborating Vibeke Grøver 14.00-14.20: Vocabulary and general language development in Polish-Norwegian and Polish-English bilinguals Pernille Hansen Magdalena Łuniewska-Etenkowska 14:20-14:40: Polish and Norwegian vocabulary acquisition among three kindergarten children – results from CLT assessments Maria-Rosa R. Doublet Western Norway University of Applied Sciences 14:40-15:10: Discussion – moderating: Anna Sara Romøren & Grzegorz Krajewski 15:10-15:25: Coffee break 15:25-16:10: Workshop: Transforming academic jargon into plain language Bilingualism Matters: Katarzyna Przybycien University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Zofia Wodniecka Natalia Mitrofanova 16.10-16.30: Summary and pointing to the future PolkaNorski Team We are pleased to invite you for the online conference “Growing up with Polish in Norway: what do we know and what is yet to be discovered” which will take place on 4th of February 2021 from 10.15 to 16.30 (CET).
For detailed programme with abstracts CLICK HERE
For detailed programme with abstracts CLICK HERE
Session one: 10: 15 – 11.20
Oslo Metropolitan University & MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway
University of Warsaw, Poland
Agnieszka Krzysztof-Świderska
Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, Poland
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, PolandSession two: 11:30 – 12:40
University of Stavanger, Norway
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands & University of Stavanger, NorwaySession three: 13:40 – 15:10
University of Oslo, Norway
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences & MultiLing, University of Oslo, Norway
University of Warsaw, PolandSession four: 15:25 – 16:30
Joanna Durlik-Marcinowska
Paulina Szydłowska-Klakla
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
The Arctic University of Norway